Dit functionale en makkelijke te gebruiken notitieboek is perfect voor grafische ontwerpers en creatievelingen om je ideeen mee vast te leggen, visuale aspecten op uit te tekenen en projecten te ontwikkelen.
Simpele to the point vragen helpen je door het ontwerp proces terwijl je toch voldoende ruimte overhoud om je fantasie en creativiteit de vrije loop te laten.
Perfect dus voor design studenten, aspirant ontwerpers, net afgestudeerden en praktijkmensen, dit notebook staat vol met handige toeters en bellen inclusief overtrek papier, organisatie stickers, een verwijderbare liniaal en een handig naslag werkje (Engelstalig) in het achterste gedeelte met essentiële feiten, maten en veel gebruikte grafieken en referentie kaarten.
Hieronder nog een lovende reactie van een gebruiker op Amazon:
This is a great little book for working on any sort of project, design or otherwise. It’s just the right size, small enough to toss in a shoulder bag or a coat pocket, but big enough to be useful. The cover material is tough but flexible, and the built in elastic keeps it securely shut, and provides a simple way to attack some papers or hold a pen with it during transport.
The paper is printed with a dot grid, rather than lines, which makes it easy to sketch precisely without getting in your way. The project notes every eight pages aren’t that useful if, like me, you tend to use many pages for one project before moving on to the next, but it’s not a big deal. The reference pages in the back are potentially useful, and don’t get in the way in any case.
The included tracing paper is a bit wasted, in my opinion, I’m just not sure what I would ever use it for. The included sticker flags on the other hand are very useful for marking important pages for later reference.
My only real complaint is that I wish the paper were a bit thicker. The pen I like (a Pilot Precise V7) is dark enough that it shows through and makes the back side of the paper not worth using. The only pens I found that didn’t have this problem are really cheap, light writing pens that I really don’t like using.
That one flaw, and the unnecessary tracing paper aside, this is a really great little notebook, and I plan to keep buying them as long as they’re available.
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